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11 Proven Tinder Hacks For Guys [Get More Matches & Dates!]

It's no surprise you're looking for the best Tinder hacks and tips. With men outnumbering women almost 3 to 1 on this popular dating app, the attractive women can afford to be selective.

Whether you're seeking a committed relationship or a hookup, to make the most out of Tinder, you’ve got to show her why you’re a cut above the competition flooding her inbox.

example of a bad Tinder bio example

VIDA's dating experts have compiled the 11 best Tinder hacks and secrets from around the internet so you can optimize your profile and messaging, and get her to say “yes” to a date with you!

How do we know these Tinder strategies really work? Firsthand experience! We've been logging into Tinder daily since it launched over a decade ago, swiping, matching, messaging, and arranging Tinder dates for the clients who use our service.

Ready to elevate your Tinder game and score more dates with better matches?

Tinder Hack #1: The Ad Campaign Strategy

Tinder's own research shows you'll get more matches if your bio is between 15 and 45 words long. That's the sweet spot for piquing her interest without giving everything away. So make every word count.

Much like a commercial, an easy-to-skim bio like this example highlights a few attractive traits builds intrigue and compels a potential match to keep reading:

funny tinder bio

Compare the bio above to this one:

Example of a bad Tinder bio

Which guy do you think she'd rather exchange messages with?

For even more powerful profile strategies, check out these examples of Tinder bios that really work.

Tinder Hack #2: Initiating the Conversation - The First Move Matters

Dating consultant CamMi Pham once got 2,015 matches in 17 hours, and found that only 25-30% of the guys initiated contact.

So unless CamMi sent a message first, 70% of her matches on the dating app went nowhere.

New Tinder matches

Don’t let your matches fizzle on any of the apps you use.

Taking the lead and sending an icebreaker message is one of the easiest ways to distinguish yourself on Tinder! 

Make the first few words of your conversation starter count. That’s all she’ll see while scrolling through her inbox, so if it doesn’t hook her attention she’s already moved on to her next Tinder match.

Tinder Hack #3: Keep Your Profile Fresh And Engaging

Making small tweaks to your Tinder profile on a regular weekly basis can result in more visibility. That's because the Tinder algorithm generally rewards active users who engage in positive behaviors by showing them to more people.

You don't have to overhaul your profile. Tweaks can be as simple as rotating the photos in your lineup. swapping out a line or two in your in bio, or choosing a different set of "Interest" badges.

The more diverse interests you mention in your profile, the higher the odds of your profile being featured in Tinder's "search by interest" feature in the Explore hub.

Each feed is based on a singular mutual interest, like social causes, cooking, pets, etc., and it's an easy way to get your profile in front of more potential matches.

Tinder Hack #4: Be Instantly Likeable

Women typically don’t spend a lot of time deliberating over the direction they’ll swipe on dating apps like Tinder.

In fact, it’s literally a split second decision -  women take about 1/10th of a second to form an opinion of you based on your profile pics.

Shirtless selfie fail on Tinder

Including certain elements in your photos can shift the odds of a right swipe in your favor.

Dating expert Molly Fedick suggests holding a cute puppy if you want to experience a surge in Tinder matches. Shirtless mirror selfies, on the other hand, might lead to more left swipes.

Getting feedback on your pictures is essential, so have friends help you choose your photos.

Grab your selection of pics and have your friends rate them. Not only does this weed out all the weak ones, but it also lets you choose the best 3-5 photos.

Use the most popular one as your primary picture.

You can also upload your potential pictures to a website like PhotoFeeler, and get feedback that way. You can even pay a little to have your photo only evaluated by women.

Tinder's Smart Photos feature can be useful because it rotates each photo into the primary position and determines your most popular photo based on how each one performs - but keep in mind it could just determine the best of the worst if all your photos are weak.

If you want a lineup that attracts matches in droves, check out these tips on choosing the best online dating photos.

Tinder Hack #5: Know How To Read The Room

Just because she’s wearing a Broncos jersey in one of her profile pictures doesn’t mean she wants to have an in-depth discussion about the latest news out of training camp.

If you’re talking about a topic that’s interesting to you, but you’re only getting brief responses, it’s time to take the conversation in a different direction.

Check out these 10 great questions to ask a girl online for inspiration.

Tinder Hack #6: Perfect Your Tinder Date Proposal

Here at VIDA Select, we’ve learned that suggesting coffee or drinks is the best way to ask her out.

Our team of online dating experts analyzed thousands of online conversations that resulted in dates for our male clients, and giving her two activity options doubled the acceptance rate.

Coffee is a casual 30-minutes. Whereas if you suggest dinner and a movie, she’s going to worry about being stuck with you for hours if things don’t look promising.

Also, suggesting a latte means you can avoid the women who use the app solely as a way to score free dinner and have zero interest in pursuing a relationship.

Tinder Hack #7: Suggest A Public Place

Online dating safety tips for women are plentiful on the internet, and a survey showed that 75% of both men and women would rather meet somewhere than be picked up by their date.

So put her mind at ease right away by suggesting a public place, and ask her to meet you there rather than offering to pick her up.

If she feels comfortable about the situation, she’s far more likely to say “Yes”.

Tinder Hack #8: Don't Always Swipe Right

Tinder's algorithm punishes users for swiping right 100% of the time, so your swiping needs to go both ways.

Or just upgrade to Tinder Gold. You can see all the Tinder users who have already "liked" you, and that means a right swipe = instant match. A Gold membership also includes all the Tinder Plus perks, like Passport and Incognito Mode.

Tinder Hack #9: Get Her Number Early

Women don’t give their numbers away to all their matches; if she’ll give it to you, it’s a good indication she’s interested in a date.

Getting her number early in the interaction ensures that you’ll still be able to contact her in case she suddenly deletes her profile.

Tinder Hack #10: Log In Often (As In Daily)

This one comes straight from the source - fire up the Tinder app often, and you'll improve your match potential. Or as Tinder explains, they prioritize potential matches who are active, and active at the same time.

Regular app usage is the most important part of the Tinder algorithm, and as they helpfully point out, it's something that's totally in your control. Only 6% of singles say they use dating apps daily, so this is an easy way to gain an advantage over your competition.

Tinder Hack #11: Two & Out

Reddit users shared an interesting Tinder hack that could increase your match potential without spending a dime. 

According to discussions online, the first profile you see when opening the app is someone who either hasn't come across your profile yet or has already swiped left on you. However, the second profile displayed is typically someone who has already swiped right on you. If you find them attractive and swipe right too, it's an instant match!

The trick is to close and reopen the app after swiping on the second profile. This refreshes the feed, and the second profile you'll see is another user who has already expressed interest in you. Then just keep repeating this process every 2 swipes to increase your matches.

Outsource Tinder & Meet Women Effortlessly

Mastering Tinder is less about luck and more about strategy. From crafting a memorable bio to initiating engaging conversations, these 11 expert hacks are designed to elevate your Tinder game.

Remember, it's not just about swiping right; it's about creating an appealing profile, choosing the right photos, and interacting intelligently. By applying these tips, you're not just swiping; you're strategically positioning yourself to find better matches and make meaningful connections.

Whether you're looking for love, a fun date, or just to expand your social circle, these hacks empower you to navigate the Tinder world with confidence.

Of course, it's also work - potentially, a lot of work.

Why not outsource Tinder? Out of all the Tinder hacks you've just read, this is hands down the easiest way to get out on some dates with compatible matches.

No more spending hours on your phone, endlessly swiping in search of people with long-term relationship potential.

Let us handle it - all you do is show up for the date with incredible people who match all your ideal partner criteria! Click that link, and skip straight to the dates with high-quality matches who are just your type.

Written by
Scott Valdez
Scott Valdez is one of the dating industry's most innovative leaders, with his expertise featured in outlets like The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Washington Post.

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