Funny Usernames To Grab Her Attention! [& How To Write Your Own]
In a sea of boring profiles, funny usernames tend to stand out. But they'll only attract more matches if you choose one that's actually funny.
![Funny Usernames To Grab Her Attention! [& How To Write Your Own] 1 funny usernames](
Countless studies have shown that likeability stems from subconscious initial impressions, and on most sites and apps your username is one of the first thing she sees.
You better believe she’s going to judge you on it.
You already know you’re up against a lot of competition, especially if you want to catch the eye of the hottest local girls. And since women are biologically hard-wired to find funny guys attractive, funny usernames seem like a solid strategy.
But humor is hard to get right, and if you get it wrong, well - it’s crash and burn. Luckily for you, we’ve got 15 funny usernames for men that will inspire you to come up with something awesome.
Be A Special Snowflake
77% of women told Men’s Health Magazine a sense of humor was their #1 must-have in a man, so making her smile is definitely something you want to do.
Humor is subjective - what’s funny to one woman will make another roll her eyes. But if your username is unique or surprising in some way, your chances of making her crack a smile increase drastically:
- RaisedByWolves
- FourStepsAhead
- NotGardenVariety
- DangerousWithRocks
- iJuggleFire
These are effective because they either evoke an immediate visual image or they set you apart in a witty way from the other guys in your local area.
But there’s a fine line between funny and words that are just cringe-worthy. And if you cross it like these guys did, there’s just no coming back:
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Funny Usernames That Bring Sexy Back… To Puns
When you get it right, wordplay is funny - with the added bonus of making you look smart. Studies have shown women are more attracted to usernames that indicate intelligence, so try one like these:
- CasualSubversive
- JustWadeAndSea
- AtomAndEve
- AdventureCapital
If you get it wrong, you end up like these guys - alone, most probably.
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![Funny Usernames To Grab Her Attention! [& How To Write Your Own] 6 bad username example](
![Funny Usernames To Grab Her Attention! [& How To Write Your Own] 7 not funny username example](
Whet Her Appetite
The data nerds over at Hinge recently found that women love chatting about food. So if food is what she wants, why not give it to her right in your username?
- BagelBaron
- WillWorkForSushi
- FreshOutTheOven
But it goes without saying that you need to keep it classy - save the salami jokes for the locker room, otherwise you’ll just kill her appetite.
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Share An Attractive Hobby
A good username intrigues her from the very beginning, so when your message pops up in her inbox, she immediately wants to know more about you. Hobbies are often a good source of inspiration, like these for a chef, scuba enthusiast, or beach goer:
- IDontCookIGrill
- _HoldYourBreath_
- OnIslandTime
But not every hobby does a good username make. If you’re super into animals, for instance, maybe save it for a line in your profile rather than shout it out via your username.
![Funny Usernames To Grab Her Attention! [& How To Write Your Own] 10 cat lover username fail](
There you have it - 15 humorous usernames, along with some bonus what-not-to-dos. Of course, the funny examples we’ve given you are probably already taken. So if you want a truly unique username you are going to have to come up with it yourself.
Or, take the painless route and have a dating profile writer come up with multiple username options you can pick from, along with an expertly written profile you’re sure to love just as much as the attractive women in your local area.
But if you insist on going it alone...
These tips will help you craft the perfect (and hilarious) online dating username:
- Pick a username that starts with a letter in the first half of the alphabet. Researchers found that usernames starting with the letters A-M were associated with higher levels of success, plus they show up first in her search results.
- Say something unexpected. Taking a classic username and adding a twist to it will surprise and delight her.
- Pique her curiosity. Does your username imply there’s more to the story? If so, then she’ll likely click on your profile in an attempt to learn more.
- Use a play-on-words. Puns on famous characters, puns on common sayings, puns on your name… really just puns in general. Everyone loves a well-written pun. It shows you aren’t just funny, you are intelligent and funny.
- Make a reference to something else. If you have a favorite movie or book, you can make a joke out of a character’s name or famous quote and use that as your username.
- Repurpose old sayings and corporate slogans. They’ve worked for some of the most successful companies and people in the world. Why shouldn’t they work for you?
- When in doubt, ask a friend. Sometimes it’s easier to make ourselves laugh than to ensure others get the joke. Tell a friend (preferably a female friend) your username and see what they think.
Remember, while a good username alone won’t score you a date, a bad username can kill your chances with any girl.
Once you’ve nailed your username, it’s time to write a killer profile, post your best photos, and send a well-written message. Or hire us.

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