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5 Happn Profile Tips [That Will Boost Your Match Rate]

Want to turn your Happn matches into dates? These Happn profile tips will have your most attractive messages saying “Yes!” to meeting you in person!

happn profile tips

Tip #1: Be Picky - With Your Photos

The Happn app allows you to include up to 9 profile photos, but that’s usually not a good idea. The odds of you looking equally attractive in 7+ photos are slim to none.

And guess which picture she’ll remember when she’s deciding which way to swipe? Yup - your worst one.

Happn's Head of Global Trends, Clare Certain, recommends Happn users upload 5 photos. And the Happn app says profiles with 5 pics are 3x more likely to get a Crush.

Choose pics where you look your absolute best that also showcase some interesting facets of your daily activities.

Remember, when she’s looking at your dating profile, she’ll be imagining what it’s like to hang out with you. In other words, what are you like in real life?

Happn's exec also noted that color photos tend to perform better, unless you happen to be in France. For some reason adding a black & white photo nets you better results in that country.

Pics where you're smiling also generally outperformed those where you're not, but don't make that a hard and fast rule on any dating site or app. If you look better in a non-smiling pic, don't sacrifice it just to check a box.

Pro Photo Tip:

Include pictures where your outstretched body takes up as much as the frame as possible - what researchers call “expansive postures”. Studies found that stretching out your arms or legs conveyed a sense of dominance, which many women find attractive.

expansive posture that's attractive to women

Tip #2: Get A Second Opinion

When it comes to your dating profile, data-driven decisions are usually the best ones.

So before you go live with your Happn profile, ask a few of your friends what they think of your photos. Unlike Tinder Smart Photo or Bumble Best Photo, Happn doesn't have a baked-in photo evaluation tool.

For a truly unbiased perspective, post your photos on a site like or Only use the photos that get the consistently highest feedback, and be sure to place your most popular picture in the primary position so women always see it first.

Want more help with your pics? Check out these online dating photo tips!

Pro Photo Tip: Never choose a photo taken with flash for a dating profile pic. Research shows it adds a full 7 years to your perceived age. And unless you’re 20 and trying to score a 6-pack at the 7-11, you don’t want to look any older than you really are, right?

Tip #3: Stand Out From The Crowd

Most guys find it difficult to write about themselves, even when the “About Me” section is 500 characters or less. So many just leave it blank and rely on their photos to do the heavy lifting.

And while there’s no doubt strong photos are crucial, why miss a chance to impress her with a few attention-grabbing sentences in your bio? If she’s on the fence about your photos, she’ll check out your bio, and she’ll definitely read it before returning your message.

Profiles on dating apps should be short, memorable, and intriguing. Choose a few of your most attractive traits and highlight them. For instance, if you’re successful, active, and love to travel, opt for a bio like this:

Happn profile example

Try not to be too vague or generic, because that’s simply boring. Writing something like “I work in IT, I’m into sports, and I enjoy travel” doesn’t give her anything to picture or separate you whatsoever from all the other guys vying for her attention.

Solid details like this will pique her curiosity and make her want to know even more:

good Happn profile example

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes in both of these examples. The bios imply that you’re successful, in good shape, and have the financial means to travel without having to spell it out in an obvious way. Remember, showing is always sexier than telling.

These irresistible profile examples will give you even more ideas.

Pro Bio Tip: Use “power words” in your bio. Research shows certain traits, hobbies, and occupations are more magnetically attractive than others. So if you’re a pilot, entrepreneur, firefighter, or doctor - congrats, you’ve got one of top four sexiest occupations on a dating app. Surfing and yoga are the two most attractive hobbies when it comes to online dating, so if you don’t do one of them now… mention signing up for lessons soon!

Tip #4: Add Audio

Similar to Hinge's Voice Prompt feature, "My Audio" on Happn lets you record prompt answers to include in your profile.

The sound of your voice can be a great way to spark a connection with a match, and add a little depth to your profile.

how to add audio to your Happn profile

To add audio to your Happn profile:

  • Tap the profile icon
  • Tap your profile pic at the top of the screen
  • Scroll to My Audio
  • Tap Add Audio
  • Choose the prompt you want to answer
  • Tap the microphone icon to record

When you're recording, keep it natural and conversational. If your Happn audio sounds too scripted, you risk being perceived as nervous, unconfident or inauthentic.

That being said, you do want to have a general idea of what you want to convey before you hit 'record'. Think about an attractive interest or personality you want to convey, and choose a prompt that lends itself to that answer.

For instance, "What's a typical Sunday like with you?" is one of the best ways to share a hobby you're passionate about with a potential match.

Tip #5: Get The Certified Badge

Noticed some Happn users have a blue & white check mark icon on their profiles? That Certified badge means they've taken the time to verify their profile via the Happn dating app.

For dating apps in general, verifying your profile usually gives your match rate a boost. The whole point is to meet up in person, so advertising that you're "real" is the way to go.

That badge lets everyone know yours isn't a fake profile, so it's worth the minute or two it takes. To add the Certified icon to your profile, log in to your Happn account and open the profile editing screen.

Let's go button for Happn profile certification badge

Right below your name, you'll see a notification to get your profile certified. Tap the "Let's Go" button.

You'll see a video demonstration of a certain position the Happn dating app wants you to mimic. Record an in-app video of yourself replicating the movement you see (like shaking your head from side to side), and Happn will compare the video to your profile pics.

This does involve granting the dating app permission to gather certain biometric data, so you'll need to either accept or refuse via the pop-up notification.

Want The Ultimate Advantage On Any Dating Apps You Use?

Follow these 5 Happn profile tips, and you’ll be crushing the competition in no time.

And if you want Happn dates with gorgeous women, but don’t want to do any of the tedious profile set up or back and forth messaging on the app - consider hiring a virtual dating assistant and skip right to the good part!

VIDA Select's dating service will identify all the best dating apps for you to be on, optimize your profiles and photos, screen your matches and do all the messaging for you. It's that easy!

Click here to learn more and sign up for your complimentary consultation!

Matchmaker Scott Valdez
Written by
Scott Valdez
Scott Valdez is one of the dating industry's most innovative leaders, with his expertise featured in outlets like The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Washington Post.

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