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How To Verify Your Profile On Tinder [& Why You Should!]

Like Bumble and other dating apps, Tinder has a verification process that lets other users know a particular profile is the real deal.

Tinder verification badge

Tinder verified profiles have a little blue badge next to the person’s name. Back when the verification feature first launched, it was only available to public figures, celebrities, athletes, and the like.

Tinder verification

To get verified, you had to send an email to and state your case -  why you’re an important public figure, or otherwise famous. 

But now as catfishing and fake profiles continue to plague dating apps, Tinder rolled out a photo verification feature that allows any user who passes the screening process to get that blue check mark. 

Users submit a video selfie directed by the app, which will be compared to your existing photo lineup. While Tinder claims to be outsourcing the video selfie technology to a third-party partner, they will not divulge the name of the company.

Tinder will most likely prompt you via pop-up notifications to verify your profile if you haven't already. Or, if you were previously photo verified, it will prompt you to complete a video selfie to keep your blue check.

You can also initiate the process any time you want. To verify your profile on Tinder:

  1. Tap the profile icon in the nav bar.
  2. Tap the gray check mark next to your name and age, just underneath your photo
  3. Tap the Continue button
  4. Tap the Verify Me button
  5. Follow the prompts to submit your video selfie

What To Know About Tinder's Verification Process

When you submit your video selfie, Tinder's facial recognition technology compares what's in your video to the photos in your lineup. If it matches, your account is verified and potential matches will see a blue check mark displayed on your profile.

The photo verification process typically takes up to 24 hours.

It consists of two parts: the Liveness Check and the 3D Face Authentication step.

The Liveness Check simply scans the face of the person in the video, checking to ensure it wasn't digitally altered or manipulated and that it was taken by a real, live person.

The 3D Face Authentication step compares what it detects as your face in the video selfie with what it detects as your face in the photos in your profile. The tech extracts your facial geometries, and uses those to build your unique template.

Tinder claims that this template, as well as your selfie video, are deleted once the photo verification process is complete.

But Tinder will retain two screenshots from your video for as long as you have a Tinder account. Those screenshots are periodically compared to your current photo lineup.

Tinder plans to release new setting options in the future that would allow users to only view verified members in their recommendations and chats. And Tinder Gold members will be able to filter their “Likes” page for verified members only.

5 Ways To Spot A Fake Tinder Profile

Fake accounts can be hard to spot since there’s an actual human behind the scenes. From catfishing to scams, fake profiles are unfortunately a reality of online dating.

Here are 5 signs you’re dealing with a shady profile:

  1. The photos leave little to the imagination. In general, scantily clad + provocative pose = fake profile, especially if there’s only one photo.
  2. All the photos are grainy, blurry, or cropped incorrectly. Smart phones have had good quality cameras for awhile now, so there’s really no reason to have terrible quality Tinder pictures. And if the photos are great quality, but cropped so the person’s face isn’t showing (but their other assets are on full display), that’s usually an indicator the images were swiped from someone else’s website.fake tinder profile
  3. There’s very little personal information. If all the info you have is someone’s name and distance away, proceed with caution. And this should go without saying, but if the primary photo doesn’t show the person’s face - swipe left. Even if the profile is real, there’s a reason they’re hiding their looks.
  4. Their bio or first message directs you to contact them somewhere else. For some reason, Kik is a particularly popular app for scammers to use.
  5. You get a message immediately upon matching. This is almost a sure sign you’re dealing with a bot, because what are the odds an insanely hot woman would message you the very instant you match with her?

These are 5 of the best ways to spot a fake profile, but don’t forget to listen to your intuition. If something doesn’t “feel” quite right, it probably isn’t.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to play “spot the bot” on Tinder, why not let VIDA do it all for you?

Our Tinder experts handle everything, from setting up your Tinder profile to swiping and messaging. We even screen your matches for you, so you’re getting dates with 100% real local singles you can’t wait to meet.

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Matchmaker Scott Valdez
Written by
Scott Valdez
Scott Valdez is one of the dating industry's most innovative leaders, with his expertise featured in outlets like The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Washington Post.

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