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POF Login Page URL [& 7 Plenty of Fish Dating Tips!]

POF Login Page URL:

(Having trouble logging into PlentyOfFish? Start here instead!)

But wait… Before you log in, you need to read these 7 POF Dating Tips that will triple your response rate and deliver more high-quality dates than ever before!

POF Login Tips

Tip #1: Get More Responses (In Less Time!) With Copy & Paste Messages

If you want maximum results in the shortest amount of time possible, using copy and paste messages is essential.

Think about it - why spend 20 minutes struggling to craft a perfect icebreaker tailored for one particular woman who may or may not reply, when you could spend 5 minutes sending a “one size fits all” message to 20 women?

Check out these tips on how to write an irresistible icebreaker that will have you scheduling a date in no time. But for now, here’s the secret in a nutshell:

  1. Ask a question - make it easy for her to respond
  2. Create an emotional response by asking her something fun to think about
  3. Be creative and playful to stand out from the competition

Here’s an example, which works well because most women enjoy travel (or at least the idea of it):

message example for POF

See what kind of a response each message gets - if it has a poor response rate, tweak it or use a different one. Pretty soon you’ll have an arsenal of messages women can’t wait to respond to.

Tip #2: Sort Matches By Most Recent Login

The “Sort By” option allows you to organize your matches by how recently they were active on the site. Only message users who’ve logged onto the site recently, preferably within the last 24 hours. Don’t waste your time reaching out to people who may never get back to you.

If you’re not a paid member of the site, you can’t see the exact date they were last online. But you can still organize it so your matches with the most recent logins appear at the top.

Tip #3: Select Solid POF Profile Photos

Now it’s time to focus on your profile. Your primary picture is the first thing she’ll see - and it’s the only thing she’ll see in the “Meet Me” section - so make sure it’s a good one.

POF photo fail

If you aren’t sure what photo to use, ask a female friend for advice. Better yet, ask several - and have them rank their favorites. Choose the ones that consistently rank the highest. Gather even more opinions online with sites like PhotoFeeler.

Invest some time in your photo selection, it will pay off in the end. Women make a split second decision about whether they’re interested in you or not, so don’t shoot yourself in the foot with a bad photo.

Check out these tips to make sure your photos rock.

Tip #4: Make Your POF Headline & Username Attention-Grabbing (In A Good Way)

Your headline appears right next to your photo in her search results, so use it to stand out from the crowd. Spark her interest and she’ll read the rest of your profile.

She’ll also be checking you out before responding to your icebreaker message, so don’t make poor choices like these guys did:

POF headline don'ts

If you have a headline along the same lines as Truthizntheeyez’s poetic nod to King Kong, head on over to the Edit Profile page and change it.

You’ll also want to steer clear of the boring (Hello/Hi/Wassup?), the desperate (Looking for the one/Let’s hang out!!!), and the can’t-be-bothered (Not sure what to put here…).

Here’s how to do it right:

Headlines should spark her interest, and elude to good things to come. If they’re fun or intriguing, all the better. A catchy headline will pique her interest, and get her to click on your profile instead of that other guy’s. Try something like:

POF headline examples

For more ideas on writing headlines that will leave her wanting to know more, check out these examples!

Now it’s time to tackle the other piece of the puzzle - your POF username.

Imagine the type of woman you want to date - attractive, funny, and great smile.

Now picture her inbox. It’s crammed full of messages from hopeful guys, and your username needs to appeal to her more than theirs or she’ll never even read it.

POF headline fail

(For the record, the username isn’t the only thing that’s wrong with the example above - don’t be this guy.)

Usernames should follow the same rules as headlines - don’t be desperate (LonelyHeart12), don’t be lazy (John123), and don’t be crass (Asstazztick). You want to inspire, inform, and intrigue her. CaliGuy7989 isn’t going to cut it. Not only does it telegraph “I put zero thought into this”, she’ll skim right over it in her inbox.

To generate interesting ideas, grab a piece of paper and write down some of your hobbies, words associated with your occupation, and words that are fun to say, like “sizzle”. That’s how you come up with gems like “TechViking”, “IJuggleFire” and “GetAwayDriver”.

Need more inspiration? Check out these username tips & examples!

Tip #5: Follow This Easy Formula For A Winning Profile

A good photo, interesting headline and username will get women to check you out. Once they do, you want a profile that instantly hooks them.

Use this fool-proof profile writing formula when you’re writing it:

dating profile formula

Research shows that 1 in 5 online daters have asked someone to look over their profile, so run it by a friend or two (preferable of the same gender you’re looking to date).

Check out these for tips to write a winning profile next!

Tip #6: Maintain Momentum

When you start swapping messages with someone you’re interested in, keeping that exchange going until you schedule a date - or at least get her number - is crucial.

You want to lock things up before she shifts her attention to someone else or deletes her profile.

The best way to keep things going is by asking her a question in every message you send. That makes responding easy for her - and that’s a win/win for you.

Don’t wait too long to suggest moving things off the app. Typically you should suggest meeting for coffee or drinks after you’ve both sent three messages or so.

Get plenty of online dating conversation advice here, including when you should ask her out online!

Tip #7: Let VIDA Handle It ALL For You!

60% of daters say that online dating gets them the most amount of dates. But it can take a lot of time and energy. So why not skip to the fun part of actually dating by outsourcing all of it to a team of seasoned professionals?

Here at VIDA, we know the process of writing up profiles, finding matches, and sending messages can be draining. And that’s why we can provide you with experts who interview you, set up your profiles, and find the best matches for you.

Click here to find out how!

Matchmaker Scott Valdez
Written by
Scott Valdez
Scott Valdez is one of the dating industry's most innovative leaders, with his expertise featured in outlets like The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Washington Post.

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