10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!]
When you don't have an arsenal of effective Tinder openers you can use on the fly, Tinder quickly becomes an exercise in frustration.
But don't worry. VIDA Select's team of dating experts has sent hundreds of thousands of Tinder messages on behalf of the clients we represent.
We've been using Tinder since it first launched way back in 2012, and all of the proven message examples, conversation strategies and tips you're about to get are backed by 10+ years of data analysis and first-hand experience.
So if you want to start a conversation with the matches you really want to meet, use one of these 10 proven Tinder openers for guys!
What Makes The Best Tinder Openers Work
When you lead with a simple greeting, like “Hi,” “Hello,” or “What’s up,” the conversational ball is squarely in her court. You're starting the conversation, but you're not really moving that conversation forward.
She can either respond with “Hi”, which is a conversation she’s probably already bored with, or she can think of something more clever to say. That’s work, so she probably won’t bother.
Because she doesn’t need to bother.
Women on Tinder are typically flooded with messages from guys like you - especially if she’s attractive.
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 1 Boring first messages in a Tinder inbox](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/how-are-you-Tinder.jpg)
If you want to succeed on this popular dating app, your Tinder opener needs to be both eye catching and easy to respond to.
That’s why the best Tinder openers to use on a girl pose an interesting question. The promise of an engaging conversation is one of the most effective ways to capture someone's attention on a dating app.
Tinder Opener #1 - Instead Of Something Boring She Gets *ALL* The Time, Send This:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 2 Tinder opener that works](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/tinder-opener-that-works.jpg)
From her perspective, you’ve already accomplished two key things:
- Given the conversation a clear direction, which instantly sets you apart from the majority of your less conversationally gifted competition
- Removed the burden of having to figure out what to write. If she’s pressed for time or gets a ton of messages, not having to put a lot of thought into her reply makes it more likely she actually will.
Now that you know why what you’re currently doing doesn’t work, let’s take a look at some Tinder strategies that do work!
Tinder Strategy Guide: Opening Lines That Work
Steal a move from the Tinder experts, and Include a GIF with your Tinder conversation starter.
Not only will a GIF boost your response rate by 30%, Tinder says the ensuing conversation will also be twice as long.
Tinder Opener #2 - Instead Of Cheesy Pickup Lines Or Something Lame Like “Hey There," Send This:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 3 Tinder message example](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Tinder-message-example.jpg)
Why does a GIF make such good Tinder opener? Simple:
- Her eye is automatically drawn to the animation.
- The GIF elicits some sort of emotional response, be it a smile or a laugh.
- The subconscious link between what she’s feeling and what she’s reading will increase the odds she’ll respond.
That sequence is precisely why “Hey” usually doesn’t work as an opening line. It typically doesn’t spark any emotion, so that feeling of instant connection between you and your Tinder match is absent.
Tinder Opener #3 - Instead Of Complimenting Her Appearance, Send This:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 4 good opener for Tinder example](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/good-opener-for-tinder.jpg)
News flash: if she’s attractive, she knows it.
She’s probably gotten some variation of “Hey, baby nice [.....]” or “Ur hot” 15 times already this week. Getting another lame pick-up line from another complete stranger may just send her running to Bumble or Hinge.
The Tinder message example above pays her a light personality-based compliment, which will probably be a refreshing change.
Then the question gives her the opportunity to talk about herself, which research has shown activates pleasure centers in her brain.
Subconsciously, she begins to associate you with feeling good - and that’s essential if she’s going to meet you in person or share her phone number.
Tinder Opener #4 - Instead Of Asking “How’s Your Weekend Going?” Send This:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 5 Great Tinder line example](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/great-Tinder-line.jpg)
While asking about her weekend is better than just saying, “Hi,” it’s still a Tinder question she likely gets asked all the time.
Tinder Opener #5 - Try A Message Like This When The Weekend Is In Sight:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 6 Example of a Tinder opener that works](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Tinder-opening-line-that-wo-1.jpg)
A fun creative spin lets her know she’s in for a lively message exchange.
Tinder Opener #6 - Instead Of Saying, “Nice Pics,” Send Something Like This:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 7 Good Tinder opener about her dog](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/good-Tinder-opener.jpg)
Or this...
Tinder Opener #7:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 8 Tinder openers about skiing](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Tinder-line-about-skiing.jpg)
These are two examples of “situational” Tinder messages.
You can send them to any woman who skis, snowboards, or has cats/dogs in her photos.
Over time you can develop a go-to message for things you commonly see as you’re swiping, then copy paste and fire them off in seconds.
Tinder Opener #8 - Instead Of Doing Nothing At All, Send This:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 9 Tinder message about chocol](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Tinder-message-about-chocol.jpg)
Or this...
Tinder Opener #9:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 10 Tinder celebrity first message](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Tinder-celebrity-question.jpg)
Or this...
Tinder Opener #10:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 11 icebreaker to send on Tinder to any woman](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/icebreaker-for-Tinder.jpg)
For some guys, making the first move on Tinder isn’t easy. So they swipe, match, and then wait for her to break the ice.
Don’t feel bad - it’s pretty common. In one experiment, dating coach CamMi Pham got 2,015 matches in under 24 hours, then sat back and waited for the guy to make the first move.
Only 30% of them did, meaning 70% of her matches fizzled out.
There’s no need to take the passive route now that you’ve got these 10 good Tinder openers in your toolbox. Grab the conversational reigns by sending one!
Figure Out What Approach Works Best For You On Tinder
To get the best results, you can either hire us to handle all your Tinder messaging for you, or you can keep track of the response rate for each message you send.
It’s likely some of these Tinder openers will work better for you than others, and you want to maximize your results as much as possible.
Age Is A Big Factor
The age of your match is a factor since a woman in her 20s looking for something casual will probably respond differently than a woman in her late 30s looking for something serious.
It might take a while to figure out which Tinder messages work best for the type of women you’re interested in. This is especially important when you're testing funny Tinder openers, because what you think is hilarious might not land with your target market.
A silly Tinder opener may work if she's on Tinder for something casual. But if she's looking for a serious relationship, she may feel like you're going to waste time. The only way to test what works is to keep track of your results.
Is keeping tabs on every single message you send tedious?
Sure. But the data you’ll get is worth it in the end. Using this response rate calculator will make it a little easier.
The Timing Matters Too
The time you send your messages factors into your response rate as well. If you fire off an effective Tinder opener when she’s likely commuting to or from work, or during the day when she’s busy, she may not get around to responding later.
But if you send your Tinder message when she’s more apt to be using the app, the odds of a response increase.
Here are Tinder’s peak usage times, straight from the folks at Nielsen:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 12 Tinder usage trends graph from Nielson](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Tinder-usage-trends-graph.jpg)
Since the most activity occurs between 5 pm and midnight, aim to send your Tinder messages during this time frame.
It also means you’re more likely to get into a “live” message exchange, which is great for moving things off the app quickly.
In a Tinder conversation, momentum is key - you want to move things off the app before she drifts away or deletes her Tinder profile.
If Your Tinder Opener Doesn't Work...
Don't sweat it. There are is no great Tinder opener that's guaranteed to work 100% of the time.
But if she doesn’t reply to your icebreaker, don’t throw in the towel. There are hundreds of reasons why she may not have responded, and only one of them is “It’s not me, it’s you.”
On Hinge, following up with a second message increases the odds you'll get a response this time around, and there's no reason why it would be any different on Tinder, Bumble, or any other dating app.
Send a playful follow-up message like this:
![10 Go-To Tinder Openers That Actually Work [Tested By Experts!] 13 follow up message to send on Tinder](https://www.vidaselect.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/opener-for-Tinder.jpg)
The example above works no matter what your initial message said, and it’s a great way to get her attention and make her smile.
A humorous message helps build attraction because it’s a personality trait women find irresistible. (Want more conversation starters that will make her smile? Check out these funny Tinder openers!)
Alternatively, a simple GIF works, no matter what Tinder icebreaker you sent. From a bored looking animal to a cat filing its nails, you can get your point across instantly in a humorous way.
If she still doesn’t respond to your follow up message, then it’s time to focus your efforts elsewhere.
You don’t want to radiate desperation or give her a reason to block you.
You may also want to take a closer look at your photos and your Tinder bio if these proven Tinder openers aren’t working for you at least 80% of the time.
The Best Way To Meet High-Quality Matches On Tinder
You’ve got all the tools you need to be successful on Tinder - 10 proven Tinder openers and when to send them.
But do you have the time? The average guy spends 1 ½ hours checking Tinder 10x a day, which quickly adds up to around 10 ½ hours a week.
Dating apps are fast-paced, and if you can’t keep up the best local women will be dating your competition instead.
You’ve got to put in the hours to reap the rewards and you've got to know what you're doing. So study up...
Or just hire VIDA to handle it all for you.
Our Tinder experts will optimize your bio and your photos so women are instantly intrigued.
Then we’ll send our best performing icebreakers on your behalf, and keep the attraction building throughout the entire message exchange.
It couldn’t be easier - you just show up for all the dates!

Want us to do your online dating for you?

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