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10 Tinder Lines That Will Make Her Laugh [& Respond!]

Humor is a great way to catch her eye and pique her interest on Tinder, but being witty on command isn’t easy. Luckily for you, we’ve got 10 funny Tinder lines that really work right here.

Funny Tinder Lines

You’ll also learn what all the best Tinder pick-up lines have in common, so you can write some comedic gold of your own.

Ready to turn those Tinder matches into dates with these funny lines?

Getting Animated = More Responses

Tinder icebreaker example that works

Humor is subjective, which is why there are no funny tinder lines that work every time. What makes one woman laugh might make the next roll her eyes and move on.

But GIFS are a great way to stack the odds of a response in your favor.

Animals doing silly antics are almost universally appealing… who can resist the charms of an adorable puppy?

Adding a GIF like one of these to a funny question like the one above boosts your chances of a response by 30%:

puppy Tinder gifpug puppy Tinder gifpuppy waving

You can find a GIF to pair with just about any of your funny Tinder icebreakers.

Check out these 3 winning combinations:

hey gurl tinder gifFunny Tinder icebreaker
Drake Tinder GIFsignature dance move line
hot dog tinder gifpersonality pop quiz

Don’t make the mistake of just sending a GIF. That puts starting the actual conversation squarely on her shoulders. You want to make responding as simple as possible, which is why all the best pick up lines ask her a fun question that’s easy to answer.

Creative Trumps Boring Every Time On Tinder

emoji line

Humorous lines work well on dating apps because most women want to date a guy with a great sense of humor.

That’s why boring Tinder icebreakers like “Hey there” usually don’t get responses. And even if she does bite, chances are the ensuing conversation won’t inspire her enough to move things off the app.

If you want your funny Tinder line to work, it has to accomplish these three things:

  1. Catch her eye
  2. Create an emotional connection
  3. Be easy to reply to

If your message doesn’t make her feel something, like happy, curious, or intrigued, she’ll likely move on. And if she has to think too hard about how to answer it, she’s more apt to just skip it. That’s why asking a question is essential - all she needs to do is answer it, like this:

Tinder line to send

Tinder has a more casual vibe than apps like Bumble or Hinge. So you have a lot of room to get creative with your icebreaker questions, like this:

Interesting Tinder line

Or this:

good question for Tinder

Showing a creative spark right off the bat sets you up as an entertaining person to chat with, giving you a huge leg up over all the guys who send something lame.

What's your number Tinder line

If your match has a picture of her dog or cat in her lineup, you’ve struck gold. Most animal lovers enjoy talking about their pets, so don’t miss the chance to ask her a question about hers.

Here’s a funny Tinder conversation starter tailor-made for pet owners:

funny line for animal lovers

These 10 funny Tinder icebreakers should give your response rate a huge boost. For the best results in the shortest amount of time, keep track of which ones work especially well for you, then stick with those.

Make a note each time you send a specific icebreaker, and whether or not it worked. You can use this response rate calculator to track your data. Slightly tedious, but worth your time in the end!

If You Don’t Get A Response...

Don’t automatically throw in the towel if she doesn’t respond to your Tinder icebreaker.

You have no way of knowing the reason why, and it may have nothing to do with you. (That being said, if you’re not getting a minimum 80% response rate with these funny Tinder lines, chances are your Tinder profile needs some help.)

Wait a day or so, then send her a playful follow-up message like this:

funny follow up

If you strike out again, then it’s time to move on and focus your efforts elsewhere.

PRO TIP: Timing matters. To get the optimal results, send your messages when she’s most likely to be using the app. Per Nielson, Tinder’s activity peaks between 7 & 11 pm. If you message her at times when it’s likely inconvenient to respond, like during her commute or work day, she may not get around to it later.

Getting A Response Is Just The Beginning...

You’ve won the first battle, but the hard part is just getting started… moving things off the app.

There’s a reason the average guy checks Tinder 10x a day.

The attractive women have their pick of the litter, so you can’t risk letting a conversation go stale. Dating apps are fast-paced, so expect to devote around 90 minutes a day to Tinder if you’re serious about meeting the most high-quality women in your area.

But not everyone has that kind of time to spend on dating apps, which is why smart guys outsource Tinder.

VIDA’s team of dating experts will handle every aspect of Tinder for you, from choosing your strongest photos to writing an eye-catching profile.

And it doesn’t stop there - we’ll send our best performing icebreakers to the women you want to meet, and keep the attraction building toward a date. We’ll tell you when and where, you just show up.

Meeting the best women on Tinder couldn’t be any easier! Click here to get started today.

Matchmaker Scott Valdez
Written by
Scott Valdez
Scott Valdez is one of the dating industry's most innovative leaders, with his expertise featured in outlets like The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Washington Post.

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