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The Best POF Headlines For Guys Who Want More Dates

Having one of the best headlines on POF is important.

PlentyOfFish is one of the biggest free online dating sites, and with a huge user pool comes tons of competition for the beautiful women.

And after you’ve sent her a creative, engaging message that snags her attention, she’s going to check out your profile.

When she clicks on your username, the screen is going to look something like this:

pof bad headline

See how prominent your headline is? Not something she's likely to miss.

Even in the search results, it has a commanding presence:

awful headline examples on POF

The good news is like in the examples above, most guys put very little thought into it.

But why waste a chance to grab her attention and make her want to read more about you?

And why risk giving her a reason to *not* learn any more about you?

Get inspired by the 15 best headlines for POF we’ve found, and check out some of the worst ones we’ve ever seen.

Headlines That Make Her Say, “Hmmm”:

POF headlines good

Curiosity is a good thing. It’s a pleasurable emotion to feel, so if you can make her curious about you, she’ll check out your profile.

Be creative, it’s so much more interesting than boring:

22nate headline

She’s not going to keep reading past “Hi,” since she's likely decided conversing with you would be just as boring as your headline.

And she’s going to move on to the next guy.

Headlines That Promise Adventure & Excitement:

examples of good online dating headlines

Hinting at travel and adventure makes you seem intriguing and mysterious. You’ve already given her something to look forward to, and she hasn’t even read your profile yet.

And a bad headline will have just the opposite effect on her:

POF headline about being shallow

Amazing how one little sentence fragment can set the mood, isn’t it?

Headlines That “Sell” You:

Slogan headlines for POF

Basically your profile is like your own personal marketing campaign, so why not borrow a slogan?

Whether you’re implying you have power, strength, and a strong engine, or a personality that’s as addictive as a potato chip, she’s probably buying what you’re selling.

Just make sure you pick a line that makes you sound like an enticing prospect.

slogan fail

If you highlight one or more character traits she might not appreciate in a date, she’s less likely to check out your About Me or return a first message.

Headlines That Make Her Laugh (With You):

Funny headlines for POF

Humorous headlines might not appeal to every woman, but if your profile can make her smile, she’ll look forward to getting to know you better.

But if you’re going to be funny, well… be funny. (Adding a "lol" or "lmao" doesn't count.)

POF headline that isn't funny example

Headlines That Set You Apart From The Rest Of The Herd:

attractive online dating headlines

This type of headline tells her you’re different. You’re not like all the other guys who make her want to shrug her shoulders and move on.

But you want to spark her imagination, not send her running the other way:

desperate sounding headline example

So there you have it - 15 of the best headlines for POF we’ve seen.

Use them for inspiration for your own profile, and check out these for insider tips on how to meet attractive women on PlentyOfFish.

Matchmaker Scott Valdez
Written by
Scott Valdez
Scott Valdez is one of the dating industry's most innovative leaders, with his expertise featured in outlets like The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Washington Post.

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