The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!]
The answers to your Hinge questions share the spotlight with your photos, so everything you write has the potential to make a big impact.
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 1 Example of a bad answer to a Hinge question](
If your Hinge profile doesn’t entice her to “like” or comment on something in it, she’ll hit the “X” button and you can kiss that match goodbye.
Your answers should always highlight one of your most attractive traits, and you’re about to learn exactly how to do that.
VIDA Select's dating experts have been managing dating profiles for clients since 2009, and we've represented singles on Hinge since it launched back in 2012.
Over the years, we're written thousands and thousands of Hinge profiles for clients. This hands-on experience has given us unique insights into what works best on this platform, and what to avoid doing in your profile.
All of the Hinge question examples, profile strategies and tips you're about to get are all based on proven material that we've tested extensively. Get ready to soak up all that first-hand knowledge!
In this article, you’ll get:
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What Are The Best Hinge Questions To Answer?
The best answers allow you to share details that will make her mentally file you under “great catch” u003cemu003eandu003c/emu003e inspire opening lines so it’s easy to send you a message.
These are 9 great options:
- Believe it or not, I…
- Best travel story
- I geek out on…
- This year, I really want to
- Typical Sunday
- My simple pleasures
- I’m a regular at
- Two truths & a lie
- I know the best spot in town for...
Those particular prompts give you an opportunity to share an interest, a goal or a personality trait in a way that inspires a connection.
Hinge rotates the prompts in and out, and the selection may differ by location. But once you know what makes a Hinge prompt answer attractive, you can make just about any of the 80+ questions work.
Thinking about adding a Hinge voice prompt? Check out these tips on choosing the best options!
PRO TIP: Change Up Your Hinge Prompt Answers PeriodicallyIt’s a good idea to freshen up your profile every so often since dating apps usually reward active, thoughtful users with more exposure. Changing your profile answers is a perfect way to give yourself a little boost. Want to check out all your options? Here are all the Hinge questions. |
Think Of Hinge Questions As Message Bait
Commenting or “liking” one of your answers is the equivalent of a right swipe, which is how Hinge prompts work.
Starting a conversation is the ultimate goal.
The 225-character limit doesn’t give you a ton of space to play with, so bait the hook with an enticing snippet of information that subtly conveys an attractive trait about you.
Example #1:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 2 Believe it or not, I am pretty sure that had I not become a doctor, I would be Metallica's 6th or 7th guitarist by now](
Doctor is an attractive occupation, so even though the dating app displays what you do in the personal details section, it won’t hurt to ensure she doesn’t miss it.
Mentioning the guitar shows you’ve got a creative side, and have the dedication to learn how to play an instrument.
Now she’s got two easy and interesting things to ask you about - what sort of doctor you are, and what type of music you play. Both would make for an easy conversation starter.
Compare that good Hinge profile example with an answer like this, that focuses on something negative:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 3 Example of a bad Hinge prompt answer](
Not nearly as compelling, right?
With so few words in each one, each one makes quite an impact on her overall impression as she reads it.
Steer away from clichés, or words that generally don't have attractive associations.
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 4 Example of a bad prompt answer on Hinge](
And speaking of clichés, app founder Justin McLeod advises against using puns or jokes she's seen a million times.
In an interview with Insider, he was asked about the prompt "I'll fall for you if..." with all the variations of "You trip me up" as an answer.
McLeod said overused puns aren't necessarily a bad answer, since they do give her a taste of your personality. But here's the problem...
It's showing that you'd rather take this opportunity to make a snarky remark versus sharing that side of yourself.
Funny Hinge Prompt Answers
Humor is a great angle to take on a dating app because girls are naturally drawn to witty guys. And if you can make her smile, you’ve already formed an emotional bond of sorts.
But because of its subjectivity, make sure what you think is funny she’ll think is funny.
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 5 Example of a terrible answer for Hinge](
On “serious” apps like Hinge where she's probably looking for a long-term relationship, crass humor probably isn’t going to fly.
If you have any reservations, either ask one of your female friends for her opinion, or go with something else.
This Hinge answer example calls attention to an attractive career in a humorous - and subtle - way.
Example #2:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 6 The dorkiest thing about me is saying 'calc-u-later' as a goodbye. It plays well in the financial sector... and nowhere else](
And this example lets her know you’re handy to have around the house - without having to spell it out.
Example #3:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 7 How my mother would describe me: as a no good sushi addict. Kidding - she'd probably describe me as terrible at singing, great at fixing squeaky kitchen chairs.](
But you know what they say about variety being spicy, and all that.
While 3 funny answers might entertain her for a second or two, you may also send the unattended message that you’re a one-note kind of guy. Or, worse, that you’re not taking your search for matches seriously.
Choosing a variety of questions to answer is likely going to be more successful than trying to make all your answers funny. As McLeod advises,
Successful profiles include a mixture of both humor and vulnerability, so lean into both your silly side and your more serious one.
To that end, you may want to consider adding one of Hinge's 15 "Self Care" prompts. According to the app's internal data, 97% of Hinge users want to date someone who prioritizes their mental health.
Survey Says The Best Hinge Question To Answer Is...
The Hinge app team analyzed data for London users, and discovered the best prompt to answer was “I know the best spot in town for…” because it led to the most dates.
Odds are excellent it will work just as well in other locations, so consider making it one of your three choices if it's on the menu of currently available prompts.
Another great Hinge prompt to choose is “Most spontaneous thing I’ve done…”
Per the app’s internal data, it’s 61% more likely to get a comment or a “like”!
Simply choose something you enjoy that would also make a great first date activity, say craft cocktails, a glass of wine, or tapas - and mention it in a way that makes her want to experience it with you, like this...
Example #4:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 8 I know the best spot in town for a glass of wine with an incredible view over the city. But I won't spill the secret... unless maybe you ask](
Creative Hinge Answers That Work For Anyone
Don’t have a lot of time to invest in writing your Hinge profile? Here are 3 funny Hinge answers you can use right now.
This one works because it references something just about everyone can relate to...
Example #5:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 9 I sometimes click 'Agree' without reading the T&C.](
Or you can put a humorous spin on an interesting fact...
Example #6:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 10 A random fact I love is that all beer labels are approved by one guy, and if he says no you can't sell your beer.](
Or get her in a nostalgic frame of mind with a blast from the past...
Example #7:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 11 Worst fad I participated in - I refuse to believe that parachute pants were just a fad](
Specificity Is Crucial
Keep in mind, though, that these “work for anyone” answers are still specific. That’s important, because details are eye catching, thought provoking and memorable.
In that same Insider interview, McLeod made the point that being specific makes it a lot easier for your matches to respond to a prompt.
Am I making an opening or a hook for someone to be able to start a good conversation with me? And so if you say 'everything,' then there's not a real opportunity for me ... I don't know what to respond to that.
In that quote, he’s talking about the “I’m overly competitive about…” prompt. And way too many guys answer it with “Everything.”
Logan Ury, Hinge's resident relationship science expert, agrees on the importance of being specific in anything you write.
In an interview with Daily Mail, she described a mistake she sees all time in dating profiles:
Sometimes, people say things that are a bit generic, like I love cooking, travelling and hanging out with my family. Who doesn't?
Want more help with your Hinge profile? Check out these expert Hinge tips!
A Common Hinge Profile Mistake (That Will Cost You Likes!)
Hinge profiles are short - it takes less than a minute to scroll through it from start to finish.
Negativity tends to stand out like a sore thumb, and that doesn’t do her first impression of you any favors.
Instead, try to always frame your answers in a positive way.
For instance, if you can’t cook, mention it in a playful (and positive) context:
Example #8:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 12 Teach me something about cooking. I can cook anything you want... as long as what you want is lasagna.](
Remember, she doesn’t know anything about what sort of person you are. All she’s got to go on is your photos and how you answer the Hinge question prompts.
So why hand her a reason to tap that X?
Here are some real examples from guys who are taking up precious dating profile real estate with Hinge answers that aren’t exactly checking items off her “must have” list.
Check out what she’s likely thinking when she reads them:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 13 Possible Hinge reactions to bad profile answers](
See how important it is to keep everything positive by highlighting only attractive qualities?
Some of the Hinge questions are inherently negative. It’s generally best to either give those answers a positive spin, like this...
Example #9:
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 14 I'm legitimately bad at being disorganized. #humblebrag](
Or avoid those types of prompts entirely in your dating profile.
For instance, would you care about the pet peeves of a total stranger, much less have a conversation about them? Neither does your potential match.
Besides, taking up one third of your profile to let her know what bugs you tends to sound a little whiny. Not a great look when it comes to dating…
![The Best Hinge Questions To Answer [If You Want More Dates!] 15 A terrible answer to a Hinge question](
Here’s one of the problems with this particular Hinge question - when you read the example above, did you automatically think of the last time a coworker did that to you?
And you probably felt at least a flash of irritation, right?
So when she reads your answer and feels that same flash - she’s likely going to subconsciously associate feeling irritated with your profile.
Definitely not the foot you want to start off on.
Want a bullet proof Hinge profile? Here are 5 Hinge mistakes you don't want to make!
The Fastest Way To Delete Hinge
Hinge is exploding in popularity - it’s even predicted to become the next Tinder. More users mean more chances to match with someone incredible - and more competition.
It’s not like they teach “how to sell yourself on the dating app Hinge” in college - and it’s not something most guys find easy to do!
But when you’re looking for a serious relationship, you need to do exactly that. Why struggle with writing your dating profile, when VIDA can help?
From profile writing to photo selection, messaging and more - you can rest assured you’ve got a team of modern dating experts on your side.
Find out how VIDA can get you into a relationship with the woman of your dreams!
Complete List Of Hinge Questions*
- I know the best spot in town for
- A shower thought I recently had
- A life goal of mine
- A random fact I love is
- A social cause I care about
- All I ask is that you
- An overshare
- Believe it or not, I
- Best travel story
- Biggest risk I’ve taken
- Change my mind about
- Dating me is like
- Do you agree or disagree that
- Don’t hate me if I
- Fact about me that surprises people
- First round is on me if
- Give me travel tips for
- I bet you can’t
- I geek out on
- I get along best with people who
- I go crazy for
- I recently discovered that
- I take pride in
- I want someone who
- I won’t shut up about
- I’ll brag about you to my friends if
- I’m convinced that
- I’m overly competitive about
- I’m weirdly attracted to
- If loving this is wrong, I don’t want to be right
- I’ll fall for you if
- I’ll introduce you to my family if
- I’ll know I’ve found the one when
- I’ll know it’s time to delete Hinge when
- I’ll pick the topic if you start the conversation
- I’m a regular at
- I’m looking for
- I’m the type of texter who
- Let’s debate this topic
- Let’s make sure we’re on the same page about
- Most spontaneous thing I’ve done
- My love language is
- My biggest date fail
- My greatest strength
- My ideal date from home
- My mantra is
- My most controversial opinion is
- My most irrational fear
- My simple pleasures
- Never have I ever
- One thing I’ll never do again
- Something that’s non-negotiable for me is
- Teach me something about
- The award I should be nominated for
- The best way to ask me out is by
- The dorkiest thing about me is
- The hallmark of a good relationship is
- The key to my heart is
- The one thing I’d love to know about you is
- The one thing you should know about me is
- The secret to getting to know me is
- The way to win me over is
- This year, I really want to
- Together, we could
- Try to guess this about me
- Two truths and a lie
- Typical Sunday
- Unusual skills
- We’ll get along if
- Weirdest gift I’ve given or received
- We’re the same type of weird if
- What I order for the table
- What if I told you that
- Which is more important to you
- Worst idea I’ve ever had
- You should *not* go out with me if
- You should leave a comment if
- You’ll know I like you if
*The selection of Hinge prompts to choose from changes slightly every few months, as new prompts are rotated on and off the menu.

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